Create Your Life Dreams by Harnessing Your Whole Mind

This Exercise Uses the Following Wisdom Skills

Stub only: Time Management
Intro written: Journaling for Clarity of Mind and Emotions
Stub only: Visualization
Stub only: Partner with Your Subconscious
Stub only: Trance

Exercise Details

Duration = 30 minutes.
Difficulty = 70/100.

Use This Exercise:

  1. When your life and dreams are unconnected with each other and you're feeling blocked and unfulfilled with the direction that your life is going.
  2. To both analyze your life and goals logically, as well as using trance to challenge obstacles and to harness your subconscious mind to augment your analytical planning.
  3. To make better use of latent talents that are hidden within you, untapped, unrecognized, unexercised, undeveloped, and unappreciated.
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